Invasive Box Tree Moth Discovered in Erie County 

Invasive Box Tree Moth Discovered in Erie County 

The box tree moth, a highly destructive, invasive insect new to North America, was recently discovered for the first time in Pennsylvania in Erie County. The state Department of Agriculture has issued a quarantine in Erie County to help residents recognize the insect, learn how to control it, and keep it from spreading. 

The moth feeds on and destroys boxwoods, often used as topiaries and featured in public gardens, parks, and conservatories. Pennsylvania leads the nation in the number of floriculture businesses — those that produce garden and bedding plants, potted plants, and cut flowers. Early detection is key to preventing significant damage, loss, and spread of the species.  

Information on how to identify the insect and safely destroy infested materials can be found at, and township officials can read the press release here. Reports of box tree moths can be sent to or 1-888-253-7189.  

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