It’s Official… Your ARP Deposit Coming This Week! 

It’s Official… Your ARP Deposit Coming This Week! 

All non-entitlement communities will receive their second tranche of ARP funding via direct deposit this Thursday, September 8. This will be a combined amount to include the basic funding and the reallocation dollars from communities that opted out of the program.  This will be your final ARP payment and total nearly $500 million statewide.  All entitlement communities (populations over 50,000) and counties had previously received their money in early summer direct from the U.S. Treasury Department.  

Based on the high unemployment rate in PA in 2021 (and 3 other states), the Commonwealth was permitted to collect both year 1 and year 2 monies last May. While Congressional direction mandated these funds be paid within 12 months of the round one initial payment, Gov. Tom Wolf requested on Friday, September 2, that the final American Rescue Plan payment now be released from the Commonwealth. State Treasurer Garrity’s office indicated they will schedule these payments for this week.  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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