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Pennsylvania Mask Mandate Gone

Effective at 12:01 am today, Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam lifted the statewide mask mandate. Beam continues to encourage Pennsylvanians to follow Centers for Disease Control guidance for wearing a maskwhere required by local business and workplace guidance. The…

Harrisburg State Budget News

Before this publication appears on Monday, we will learn that the legislature has proposed a budget of under $40 Billion dollars for the Commonwealth for next year.  Given the current budget surplus combined with the influx of federal stimulus funding,…

Treasury Updates ARP FAQs

Yesterday, the U.S. Treasury Department updated its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document on the American Rescue Plan funds. Newly added questions are clearly marked and include answers about allowable expenditures for parks and police.   In addition, Treasury updated its FAQ document on the Distribution of Funds to…

Watch for Your Postal Delivery

This afternoon we will mail the information packets for the Fall PSATS Annual Business meeting on Friday, October 15, how to name voting delegates, when registration opens, and more!  The package will also include important information about the PSATS Centennial Celebration sponsored by the PA Leadership Institute on Thursday evening, October 14.  

Pennsylvania Remains at 13th for Vaccine Doses Administered Per Capita 

According to the Centers for Disease Control, Pennsylvania remains at 13th for total COVID doses administered per capita. Nationally, more than 150 million people have been fully vaccinated, or 55.9% of the adult population and 71.1% of those age 65 or older.   13.6 million vaccine doses have now been administered…

IFO Releases Revised Revenue Estimates

The Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) has released updated revenue estimates for the commonwealth’s 2020-21 and 2021-22 fiscal years that replace earlier projections. The estimates include unrestricted General Fund, Motor License Fund, and federal funds.  The IFO projects Motor License Fund revenues to be permanently reduced by the pandemic due to…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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