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Independent Fiscal Office, Revenue Release January Revenue Numbers  

The Independent Fiscal Office and state Department of Revenue have released January   revenue reports. For the month of January, state General Fund collections totaled $2.7 billion and were $245.8 million lower than the IFO’s official estimates. The shortfall was largely the result of a temporary shift in personal income tax collections.  The Motor License Fund…

Secretary of Commonwealth Boockvar Resigns After Failure to Advertise Constitutional Amendment

Gov. Tom Wolf has announced that effective February 5, Kathy Boockvar, Secretary of the Commonwealth, is leaving the administration due to a failure of the Department of State to advertise a proposed constitutional amendment that would retroactively extend the timeline…

Reminder: LTAP Holding Virtual Drop-In Session on Updated PennDOT Pub 213 (Work Zones)

Township officials are reminded that the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) will hold a virtual drop-in session this Thursday, February 4, at 11 a.m. to discuss the state Department of Transportation’s newly updated Publication 213, Temporary Traffic Control Guidelines. Publication…

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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