Learn@PSATS Dashboard on Website

Learn@PSATS Dashboard on Website

PSATS is excited to announce that it has implemented a new and improved learning management system – called Learn@PSATS – on its website (psats.org). Learn@PSATS now houses information for all PSATS in-person and virtual classes, webinars, seminars, and other events, including presentation materials, evaluations, attendance certificates, and point-tracking for the PSATS Municipal Government Academy. This upgrade makes it easier for you to access and track your PSATS educational information.  

To access your newly enhanced Dashboard, sign in at psats.org and then select “Learn@PSATS Dashboard” under the “My PSATS” tab on the toolbar. In your Dashboard you can see educational events that you have registered for, but not completed, under “Your Registrations,” and access completed courses under “What You Have Completed.” You can also easily see what items you need to complete for each educational event.

Moving forward, PSATS webinars and virtual classes will be conducted using Zoom and certificates of completion for on-demand webinars will show the date of completion, not the date they were first offered.

NOTE: You will continue to have access to your old Dashboard (currently listed under “My PSATS” as “Old My Dashboard”) through November 15. If you have any open course-related items, such as unviewed on-demand webinars, certificates of attendance that need saved or printed, or presentation materials that you would like to download, we ask that you please complete them prior to November 15. After that date, you will not have access to courses on your old Dashboard.

If you have any questions about Learn@PSATS, please contact Andrew Mummert or Kathy Kronicz at 717-763-0930.  

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