L&I Advisory on Industrialized Buildings and Building Components Inspections  

L&I Advisory on Industrialized Buildings and Building Components Inspections  

The state Department of Labor & Industry recently released an advisory on Industrialized Buildings and Building Components. Townships that have opted in to administer and enforce the Uniform Construction Code should be aware of responsibilities of their code officials to inspect these buildings.  

Of note, a manufacturer of industrialized buildings and building components must provide documentation to township code officials that the components were constructed following the code in effect in Pennsylvania at the time of construction. The code official is then required to perform inspections similar to those for industrialized housing and housing components, including but not limited to site conditions, utility connections, mechanical connections within  

the structure, and accessibility and means of egress.   For more information, visit L&I’s Advisories webpage. Questions can be directed to mkegg@pa.gov.  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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