Looking for Township Wage and Benefit Information?
Wondering how your employees’ wages compare to those in townships most like yours? Curious about what types of benefits similar population-sized townships provide? Did you know that PSATS has resources available to help you compare the benefit packages and wages that your township offers with others similar to yours?
2024 results are available for all participating townships online in the Salary Survey Plus tool. Didn’t participate yet? It isn’t too late! Townships may participate now by entering 2024 data and receive immediate access to the results.
Your designated township staff (PSATS Salary Survey Plus processor) can enter your township’s workforce data by logging into psats.org, choosing the “MY PSATS” tab, and clicking on “Salary Survey Plus.” If you have any issues accessing the survey or need to change the township official designated to enter data, email memberservices@psats.org.
For helpful tips and tricks, please see our PSATS Salary Survey Plus users’ guide. Questions about the data or need help with a report? Email salarysurveyplus@psats.org or call (717) 763-0930, ext. 126, for Katie Lizza or ext. 138 for Holly Fishel.