More Counties Added to Pennsylvania’s Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Zone   

More Counties Added to Pennsylvania’s Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Zone   

The state Department of Agriculture has added six counties to Pennsylvania’s spotted lanternfly quarantine zone ahead of the 2023 spring hatch. With this addition, the quarantine zone for this invasive pest is now at 51 counties. Butler, Clearfield, Clinton, Fayette, Lawrence, and Somerset are the newly added counties.   

“Spotted lanternfly is an invasive pest that is disruptive and damaging to our agriculture commodities and a nuisance pest for all Pennsylvanians,” says Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding. “Through collective and intentional efforts, including instituting quarantine zones, we continue to slow the spread of this insect, and I call on all Pennsylvanians to assist. This time of year, before the eggs hatch in spring, do your part to help manage the pest by scraping egg masses and reporting where they are found. Each egg mass destroyed eliminates 30-50 lanternflies before they have an opportunity to hatch and spread.” 

The quarantine strictly prohibits the movement of any spotted lanternfly living stage, including egg masses, nymphs, and adults, and regulates the movement of articles that may harbor the insect. The Department of Agriculture’s website has resources to help you learn more about the quarantine and learn more about the spotted lanternfly and why it is a major problem for Pennsylvania. Also check out the Penn State Extension resources, including detailed pictures and management techniques for this very annoying pest. More information is available in the Department of Agriculture’ press release

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