New Act Requiring Reporting of Data Breaches Takes Effect Today

New Act Requiring Reporting of Data Breaches Takes Effect Today

Act 33 of 2024 takes effect today, which expands the responsibilities of entities, including townships, that have a breach of personal information that releases 500 or more individuals’ first and last names or first initial and last name, in combination with their Social Security number, bank account number, and driver’s license or state ID number. In addition, the entity that has the breach must provide credit monitoring services for one year to those affected and notify the state Attorney General of such a breach.  

To help entities comply with the reporting requirements, Attorney General Michelle Henry has launched an online portal for reporting data breaches. Entities can access the portal via the Office of the Attorney General’s website, where they will be guided through a step-by-step process to submit required information about the breach, as well as learn more about the new act. 

Townships looking to protect themselves in the event of a breach or cyber-attack should consider PSATS Cyber Insurance Assessment Program. As data breaches and cybercrimes have become commonplace and have created costly headaches for townships, this service will help municipalities protect themselves and deal with the consequences of such an attack. Click here to learn more. 

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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