Ongoing Funding Opportunity: PA SITES for Economic Development 

Ongoing Funding Opportunity: PA SITES for Economic Development 

The Pennsylvania Strategic Investments to Enhance Sites (PA SITES) Program was established to help municipalities and authorities prepare shovel-ready sites to attract and retain businesses. Program funds are split into two categories: 

  • Planning grants provide funding to conduct a comprehensive real estate plan or feasibility study for a prospective site that may include the best future use of the parcel(s) for redevelopment or new development. 
  • Construction grants and loans provide funding to serve as gap financing for strategic sites to help reduce development risk for businesses. Eligible projects include transportation access improvements, utility extensions, or grading of pad-ready sites, including redevelopment of previously used or underused sites. 

Did you know that PSATS publishes a listing of open and ongoing grant opportunities online? Sign into your account at and choose Programs & Services and then Resource Center to find the Show Me The Money page! 

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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