OOR Finds FOIA Buddy Not a Requester Under RTKL 

OOR Finds FOIA Buddy Not a Requester Under RTKL 

On January 3, in Curry v. Central Susquehanna Regional 9-1-1 System, No. AP 2024-3405, the Office of Open Records (OOR) issued a Final Determination, as in prior Final Determinations, that FOIA Buddy does not meet the definition of a “person” under the RTKL and further that it “appears to be a website without any legal entity behind it.” 

As such, OOR determined that it must conclude that FOIA Buddy cannot be a “requester” under the RTKL. The OOR further states that this “means that FOIA Buddy cannot file a request, and possesses no rights to appeal to the OOR.” Based on this determination, township Open Records Officers can deny any future RTK requests from FOIA Buddy. 

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