Pa. Insurance Department Seeks Public Input on Availability, Affordability of Flood Insurance Throughout Pennsylvania 

Pa. Insurance Department Seeks Public Input on Availability, Affordability of Flood Insurance Throughout Pennsylvania 

The Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID) is seeking public input on the accessibility and affordability of flood insurance throughout the commonwealth until February 5. The comments will aid the new Flood Insurance Premium Assistance Task Force, created by Act 22 of 2023, in making recommendations to increase the number of Pennsylvanians who purchase flood insurance. Comments may be emailed to or mailed to PID’s Director of Policy and Planning, Office of the Insurance Commissioner, 1326 Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Comments will be forwarded to the task force for consideration. 

“After flooding disasters, PID hears devastating stories from residents who believed their homeowners insurance policy covers flood damage when, in fact, it does not. More Pennsylvania property owners are now required to purchase flood insurance, and many are struggling to meet that requirement,” says Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Michael Humphreys. “This public comment period is a valuable way to hear first-hand from Pennsylvanians on this topic. It provides an opportunity for Pennsylvanians to share with the department valuable insight, lived experiences, and suggestions on obtaining and paying for flood insurance.”

The task force must make recommendations to address potential programs that provide premium discounts and potential programs that create incentives for local governments to undertake or continue flood mitigation efforts; implement necessary changes to statute or administration of flood insurance; educate residents about the risk of flooding and how to mitigate flooding; inform Pennsylvanians about options available for purchasing flood insurance; and increase the number of people that purchase flood insurance. Click here for the press release. Click here for the notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. For resources to help guide property owners on what to do after a weather-related disaster, click here

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