An Award-Winning Magazine
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The award-winning Pennsylvania Township News, published since 1948, provides officials and staff in townships of the second class with in-depth news articles, issue analysis, and much more. Read on for details.
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Pa. Township News Readership
Circulation: 7,000
Publish Date: First day of every month
- Township supervisors, the elected governing officials of townships of the second class
- Township secretaries and managers
- Township roadmasters
- Township solicitors
- Township auditors and tax collectors
- Township engineers
- Township emergency managers
- State and federal legislators
- State government officials and employees
- County commissioners
- Professional planners
- Others who take an interest in Pennsylvania local government

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Have an article idea, feedback on past articles, or possibilities for improvements? Email Editor Brenda Wilt at, and be sure to include your full contact information (name, title, township, county, phone number with area code, and address).