PennDOT Releases Updated Transportation Funding Study for Public Input  

PennDOT Releases Updated Transportation Funding Study for Public Input  

The state Department of Transportation is exploring sustainable transportation funding options and has released a revised version of its PennDOT Pathways Program, which contains ideas for filling the $8.1 billion annual highway and bridge transportation funding gap. The revised document provides additional details about the funding options being studied and incorporates public comment from the first round into the Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study results. The Department is requesting public feedback on the plan until June 1, 2021. To view a website outlining the findings, click here. To read the study, click here.  

Through the PennDOT Pathways program, the department is conducting an extensive initiative into near- and long-term transportation funding solutions for Pennsylvania. Options under consideration include the Major Bridge Public-Private Partnership (P3) Initiative, which would fund the reconstruction or replacement of the identified bridges through tolling. Other options include corridor tolling, managed lanes, congestion pricing, and a road user charge.  

To comment, email, call 717-325-6129, or mail comments to PA Department of Transportation, Keystone Building, 400 North St, Fifth Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Please copy PSATS Government Relations Director Joe Gerdes on submitted comments to PSATS will review the study and provide comments in accordance with existing policies and resolutions. To view PSATS comments on the original plan, click here.   

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