PennDOT Requests Survey Participation on Municipal Seal-Coating Experience

PennDOT Requests Survey Participation on Municipal Seal-Coating Experience

The state Department of Transportation requested that the following survey be forwarded to townships. The survey is part of a research project by the Impactful Resilient Infrastructure Science and Engineering (IRISE) Consortium (based at the University of Pittsburgh) entitled “Asphalt Pavement Seal-Coats: Best Practices and Experience.” The study is to determine guidance on construction best practices for successful and uniform use of pavement preservation treatments throughout Pennsylvania. 

To gather municipal experience, both positive and negative, with these treatments, the researchers are conducting a survey to identify current state-of-the-practice in each PennDOT District. Please have the most appropriate person at your township complete the survey by clicking here, choosing your county and then your township. Please complete the survey by Thursday, June 6. 

If you are unsure about a question, please answer to the best of your knowledge. Leave responses blank if information is not readily available. If you have any questions or problems related to this questionnaire, please contact Eshan Dave at

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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