Pennsylvanians Migrate to Southern Lower Tax States

Pennsylvanians Migrate to Southern Lower Tax States

While Pennsylvania is gaining residents from surrounding states, it continues to lose residents to southern climates according to a new report. The Independent Fiscal Office looked at state-level migration data based on federal tax returns filed and processed during calendar years 2021 and 2022. Individuals who migrated but were exempt from filing were not captured in the data. 

Pennsylvania continued to lose more residents than it gained with a net loss of -21,711 and was 35th compared to other states. All age and income groups saw net population losses. As in prior years, Pennsylvanians migrated to lower tax states like Delaware, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas. Pennsylvania gained residents from higher tax states like Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.  

Nationally, the top states with net gains were South Carolina, Florida, Idaho, Delaware, and Montana, with the top three gaining more than 1% of their population. The states with the greatest net loss were New York, California, Alaska, Illinois, and Massachusetts. All neighboring states lost population, except Delaware and West Virginia. Click here to read the report.  

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