Population Groups “Virtual Town Hall” Invitation Coming 

Population Groups “Virtual Town Hall” Invitation Coming 

Watch your email over the next 24 hours for an invitation to register for next week’s virtual town hall meeting for your respective population group. These are quarterly opportunities for everyone to share input to your Population Standing Committee as they prepare to submit resolutions or address issues of concern to similarly sized communities. The 4 groups are: townships under 2,000: townships between 2-5,000: townships between 5-10,000; and townships over 10,000. This meeting will last about an hour and a registration link will be sent to you in the next 24 hours. Please register and participate. There will also be a population roundtable gathering on Monday morning at the conference during the first workshop session. 

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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Mon - Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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