PSATS Morning News

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The PSATS Morning News includes the latest news, videos – look for TVN and the Question of the Week every Tuesday and Thursday – along with legislative and policy updates, grant and funding opportunities, and announcements about upcoming PSATS training.

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2023 Transportation Performance Report Available 

The Commonwealth’s 2023 Transportation Performance Report, created by the State Transportation Commission and the Transportation Advisory Committee, is now available for review. This report explains the progress and needs of Pennsylvania’s transportation system, covering topics of safety, mobility, preservation, accountability, funding,…

2023 Liquid Fuels Distributions List Released

The state Department of Transportation has released the 2023 municipal liquid fuels allocations report, which is available here. This year’s total allocation is $470.2 million, up 3.1% from the 2022 distribution of $455.885 million. AUDIT NOTE: As the state Office of…

See History: Original Penn Charter on View Week of March 12

The Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission (PHMC) will celebrate the commonwealth’s 342nd birthday on Sunday, March 12, with a rare display of William Penn’s original charter at The State Museum of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg and free admission to many historic…

Reminder: Townships Encouraged to Tell PennDOT How to Spend Transportation Funds  

Every two years, the State Transportation Commission (STC) and the state Department of Transportation (PennDOT) conduct a statewide survey to gather feedback on Pennsylvania’s transportation system as part of the 12-Year Transportation Program update. Click here to take the survey!   Townships are…

Reminder: PA American Water Accepting Applications for Environmental Grants 

Pennsylvania American Water is accepting applications for the company’s 2023 Environmental Grant Program. The program offers funding for innovative, community-based environmental projects that improve, restore, or protect the watersheds, surface water, and groundwater supplies in local communities.  To qualify, proposed…

Liquid Fuels Funds Released Today 

The state Department of Transportation is scheduled to release 2023 liquid fuels funds on March 1 of each year to all municipalities that have filed the required paperwork. For 2023, the final population factor is $18.0810 per person and the…

Zero-Emission Vehicle Fleet Grants Deadline Extended  

The state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is continuing to accept applications for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle (MHD-ZEV) Fleet pilot grants under the Driving PA Forward Program. The deadline to apply has been extended until March 31.  Townships that operate diesel-powered…

Digital Edition Now Available! Township News Explores How to Prevent Fraud & Corruption

Local government is not immune to fraud and theft, whether embezzlement or illegal use of township manpower, equipment, and supplies. By identifying risks, implementing best practices, and staying up to date on laws and ethics regulations, township officials can reduce…

PSATS Mini Boot Camp for Township Officials 

Mini Boot Camps Coming in March! If you have been appointed as a supervisor or staff member in the last year or since the 2021 election and are looking to get caught up on your new township responsibilities, join PSATS…

Pa. Broadband Authority Seeking Input on Stakeholder Engagement Process 

The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority is asking Pennsylvanians for input on its stakeholder engagement process for developing two state plans until March 10. Follow-up meetings will be held March 16 to discuss the feedback. The State Digital Engagement Plan will…
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