PSATS Wants to Hear From the Transportation Experts – YOU!

PSATS Wants to Hear From the Transportation Experts – YOU!

As the Transportation Revenue Options Commission attempts to craft future funding solutions for our transportation network, PSATS Executive Director David M. Sanko wants to hear from local transportation experts – YOU! What are your biggest transportation challenges and needs? What cost savings or mandate relief would be the most beneficial to your township? What are your ideas for funding our transportation system? 

Send us an email at  Watch for a survey link in the coming days as well as an invitation to volunteer on a work group.  Additionally, we will be planning a Transportation Town Hall later next week so please plan on attending. Please provide your feedback as soon as possible, as the commission will be discussing funding options and needs over the next few weeks.

As always, thank you for your support! 

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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