PSATS Welcomes New Premiere Partner to Help with Federal Covid Funding

PSATS Welcomes New Premiere Partner to Help with Federal Covid Funding

PSATS welcomes Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC, an accounting firm, as a new Premiere Partner.  ZA will provide discounted pricing to PSATS members for technical assistance relative to the American Recovery Plan recently passed by Congress.  This funding, which will come to every municipality in PA, will have restrictions and guidelines attached from the US Treasury Department. ZA will help you know what eligibility standards are as well as assist with compliance reporting.   

Last year, ZA advised counties on how to eligibly spend over $400 million through the CARES Act with none of their clients returning any funds and also no counties having any issues with compliance monitoring from the Commonwealth.  And the best news is that their fee is an eligible expense from the federal funding so there is no budget impact to your community! Stay tuned for more details tomorrow! 

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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