Reminder: Congressional Earmarks Are Back! WAMs from Washington…  

Reminder: Congressional Earmarks Are Back! WAMs from Washington…  

Your Washington representatives have access to more money for your community. Sen. Bob Casey and many members of the PA Congressional delegation are accepting competitive FY23 appropriations requests for congressional earmarks before the end of this month. Stakeholders across Pennsylvania may submit community projects and programmatic requests to be considered for the 2023 fiscal year. This is an opportunity to request funds for important projects.  


Township officials are encouraged to reach out to their member of Congress for more information and to request support for their project. 

There are two kinds of requests: Community project requests, sometimes called earmarks or congressionally directed spending, tend to be for a specific project in a specific location. These projects must fit within committee guidance and are subject to rigorous review.   


Programmatic requests are general funding requests for national and regional programs and/or bill and report language requests that direct, encourage, or urge an agency or department to carry out an action. Programmatic requests tend to be at a higher level and not specific to a community.  


Interim guidance for applicants can be found here. Links to applications can be found below.  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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