Reminder: Need Help with ARPA Report? Look Here for Help! 

Reminder: Need Help with ARPA Report? Look Here for Help! 

Township secretaries and managers should note that the American Rescue Plan Act report for the April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 timeframe is due by April 30, 2024. All townships that received ARPA funds will need to complete this report, even if your township spent and reported the use of all funds in its 2023 report. To access the report, click on the link below to access Treasury’s portal:  


To learn more about ARPA funds (including how they may be used) and how to complete the 2024 report, click here and look for the ARPA fact sheet and the webinar and Powerpoint about how to file the 2024 report. The instructions include step by step directions with screenshots to help you complete this report correctly, as well as contact information if you have issues accessing the report. Keep in mind that filing this report generally takes about 5-10 minutes if using the directions provided.  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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