Reminder: Recorded Webinar Available on Major Changes for Townships from Draft PA NPDES MS4 General Permit (PAG-13); Comments Due 3/19  

Reminder: Recorded Webinar Available on Major Changes for Townships from Draft PA NPDES MS4 General Permit (PAG-13); Comments Due 3/19  

PSATS provided a webinar last week and a recording is available to help townships and their consultants learn more about the DEP draft of the NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges (PAG-13) from small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). The deadline for public comments is March 19, and PSATS will be submitting comments focusing on the changes and how they impact townships under the General Permit. Comments will include questions on how the new permit will work and concerns over crediting from townships that made major investments through a collaboration and on their own under the current permit. Click here to access the recording. 


The major changes to the permit include a shift from a sediment/nutrient reduction objective for pollutant reduction to a stormwater runoff volume management objective (VMO), a new model stormwater management ordinance, discontinuation of pollutant control measures (PCMs), and targeted public outreach for environmental justice areas. To access the draft permit and related documents, click here. To access the Pennsylvania Bulletin notice, which provides a brief overview of the major changes, click here.   


Township officials may submit comments directly to DEP by March 19 through or via email at PSATS is very interested in how this proposal will affect your township, particularly those that have invested significantly in stormwater improvements to meet current permit requirements. What investments have you made in the prior strategy? Will those investments be lost? What will be the cost of changing direction midstream? Please provide thoughts and concerns to Holly Fishel at or call her at 717-763-0930, ext. 138.  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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