Reminder: We Need Your Legal Advertising Stories by Tomorrow!

Reminder: We Need Your Legal Advertising Stories by Tomorrow!

PSATS will testify next week in support of HB 955, which would give municipalities the option to place public notices on their own website or that of a newspaper and expand printed publication options, in addition to a newspaper of general circulation. PSATS supports this bill, which would fulfill a PSATS resolution. 

As we prepare for the hearing, we need your help! If your township would use one of these options for public notices, how would it make it easier for your residents to find important township notices? Is a newspaper readily available in your township, and if so, do residents subscribe? What are the challenges of publishing a legal notice? How much would your township save by using a website or other printed publications to provide notices? Send your input and stories about why your township would like an electronic or other legal advertising option to by tomorrow, May 19. Any documentation of expenses or the advertising process is much appreciated.  

And thank you to the many townships that responded to date! 

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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