Personnel Policies

Personnel Policies

Below are sample documents that townships can use when developing their own personnel policies. To preview a document before downloading, click the “Preview PDF” link. To download a Microsoft Word version of the sample document, click on the name of the document.

Establishes employees responsibilities to report suspected fraud or theft and provides guidelines for a fraud investigation process. Preview PDF

Prohibits employee appointment in instances where supervision would encompass a familial relationship within the third degree. Preview PDF

Establishes rules for township provided cell phones while operating a vehicle. Preview PDF

Acknowledgement that township will grant compensatory time for hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. Preview PDF

Establishes standards for compensatory overtime, including how the time accrues and how an employee can utilize their comp time. Preview PDF

Standards for employees utilizing township computers, internet access, and email accounts.

Establishes standards for use of a township credit card to make purchases.

Establishes the purpose, means, and methods related to disciplinary actions.

Process including recommended steps to resolve personnel conflicts.

List of recommended contents to include in an employee’s personnel file.

Township policy covering personnel, including compensation, benefits, time off, behavior and performance.

Sample language for employee topics including personnel files, harassment policy, drug-free workplace, non-discrimination, and disciplinary action. Preview PDF

Employee Handbook Samples. Below are employee manuals from several townships covering a variety of topics and policies. Townships are encouraged to use these as a guide to develop their own employee handbook.

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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