Resources, Webinar Available to Plan Pick Up Event, Keep Your Township Beautiful 

Resources, Webinar Available to Plan Pick Up Event, Keep Your Township Beautiful 

Are you ready to Fight Dirty? Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is accepting registrations for the 2024 Pick Up Pennsylvania, an annual community improvement program. Events scheduled from March 1 through May 31 receive free trash bags, gloves, and safety vests provided by support from the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), state Department of Transportation (PennDOT), and Keep America Beautiful, as supplies last. DEP and Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association are sponsoring trash disposal, free of charge or at a reduced rate for registered program participants, at participating landfills from April 1 through April 30, with prior approval. Events can include litter cleanups, illegal dump cleanups, community greening and beautification, special collections, and education events. Events must be registered at to receive free cleanup supplies. 

Want to fight dirty in your community but not sure where to start? Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is hosting a community-wide cleanup training webinar on Monday, February 26, from noon -1 p.m. that is geared towards municipalities. The training will include support for organizing a community-wide cleanup by mobilizing local volunteers, gaining support from local business, coordinating trash disposal, accessing supplies, and more! A link will be posted closer to the date of the webinar at; choose Programs and then Pick Up PA.  

To host an event, join an event near you, or inquire about free supplies and trash disposal, visit, choose Programs, and then Pick Up PA or contact Michelle Dunn, Pick Up Pennsylvania Program Coordinator, at (724) 836-4121, ext. 113, or

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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