Safety Precautions Outlines for Centennial Dinner and Business Meeting

Safety Precautions Outlines for Centennial Dinner and Business Meeting

PSATS remains committed to the safety of our members and staff.  PSATS will continue to follow appropriate state and federal safety guidelines as well as those of the Hershey Lodge. If any additional information and/or changes occur, all attendees will be notified.  

Both the Centennial Dinner and Business Meeting will occur in the Great American Hall rather than the traditional Chocolate Ballroom. This will allow additional spacing for comfort and safety. While there are not required room capacity restrictions in place at this time, this room allows us to be below 50% total room capacity for all events. Dinner seating is set at 8 chairs per table rather than 10 (exception by request). Due to the length of the business meeting, seating will be 4-5 chairs per table (which also ensures so that nobody has their back to the stage).

PSATS will also have hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and extra disposable masks at the check-in stations for those who want them. 

At Reception check-in, PSATS will provide different colored ribbons to add to your name badge (if you choose) to indicate personal levels of comfort at the reception.

● Red – Keeping socially distant ● Yellow – Please no physical contact ● Green – Handshakes, fist bumps and hugs are acceptable 

For the business meeting, each welcome bag will contain a personal hand sanitizer spray.  

The Hershey Lodge continues to maintain enhanced cleaning, sanitization, and disinfection standards, which meet or exceed established industry guidelines.   

Hershey will have signage strongly encouraging indoor masking. Their staff will be masked. Hand sanitizing stations will be present throughout the Lodge.  

Guests are free to continue to wear face coverings anywhere on property if they choose to do so. 

PSATS will NOT be running a shuttle service so transportation between hotels will be by personal vehicles. Due to an order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as it relates to public transportation, face coverings are required for all Hershey shuttle guests ages two and older, regardless of vaccination status. Capacity limits are not required by the CDC.  

Please be advised that currently, guest rooms at The Official Resorts of Hersheypark will not be serviced throughout a guest’s stay. For assistance, guests can contact housekeeping during their visit. 

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