September is National Preparedness Month 

September is National Preparedness Month 

August is FEMA’s Disaster Resilience Month, and September will bring us to National Preparedness Month. There’s no better time than now to prepare township communities to be resilient before, during, and after disasters! To assist in this effort, FEMA created the National Preparedness Month Toolkit with sample talking points and social media posts, along with a few tips to help foster disaster resilience: 

  • Prepare: Create an emergency supply kit to be prepared before disaster strikes. This goes for individuals, households, and pets too! 
  • Adapt: Be in the know about weather , roads hazards, and emergency alerts to help everyone stay ready. Residents can look to reliable sources for updates about changing conditions in the area, like local news outlets and the free FEMA App. 
  • Withstand and Recover: Staying safe could mean sheltering in-place or evacuating to withstand a disaster. Alerts and warnings from local emergency management can help residents decide their best option. 

Additional resources on how to prepare for various disasters can be found at

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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