Township Engineer Association Seeking Workshop Speakers 

Township Engineer Association Seeking Workshop Speakers 

PSATS’ Township Engineer Association is organizing a series of seminars aimed at providing municipal engineers with insights into the latest developments and best practices in the field and is seeking speakers for these events.  

Our next seminar – 2024 PSATS Fall Engineers Virtual Seminar - is scheduled for October 24, 2024, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and will be virtual. The seminar will be attended by municipal engineers and their local government clients. An audience of more than 50 participants is expected, and potential speakers for presentations of 30-, 45-, or 60-minute increments are needed. We can work to accommodate your schedule and any specific requirements you may have.  

In addition to the Engineers Seminar, we are looking for potential speakers for the PSATS MS4 Stormwater Conference on November 13 and 14, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. each day. The agenda on November 13 will focus on policy-related stormwater issues and on November 14 will focus on technical-related topics. This event will also be held virtually.  

If you are interested in presenting at the Fall Engineers Seminar on October 24 (or next spring’s seminar) or have suggestions for topics to be covered, please reach out to Radosna Vesnic at  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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