Treasury Releases New ARP FAQs; PSATS Submits Comments on Interim Rule

Treasury Releases New ARP FAQs; PSATS Submits Comments on Interim Rule

The U.S. Department of the Treasury has released several new FAQs for the American Rescue Plan. Most appear to be beneficial and clarify several issues of interest to townships. The FAQs clarify that infrastructure projects do not need to comply with the federal Davis Bacon prevailing wage act unless a project is $10 million or more. Also, they include which utilities are included in the revenue loss formula and which ones are not. Additional FAQs address stormwater projects, culverts, repairs of roads due to infrastructure projects, providing broadband through libraries and schools, and pooling funds for intergovernmental cooperation. Finally,  Click here to view the FAQs. 

PSATS has submitted comments to Treasury on the ARP Interim Final Rule. The Association included a lengthy list of needed clarifications and desired changes. These include allowing funds to be given to any nonprofit, not just a 501(c)(3), expanding allowable infrastructure projects to include road and bridge infrastructure, authorizing the purchase of fire trucks and ambulances, directing townships to use state purchasing guidelines rather than federal, removing the restriction on purchases prior to March 2021, and broadening flexibility for broadband. Click here to view comments.

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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