Turnpike Announces 2022 Toll Rate Increase

Turnpike Announces 2022 Toll Rate Increase

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission has announced a 5% toll increase for 2022 for both E-Z Pass and TOLL BY PLATE customers. The increase will take effect January 2, 2022. E-Z Pass drivers will continue to receive the lowest toll rates.  

Tolls have increased significantly since 2009 due to required payments to fund transit operations under Act 44 of 2009. The Turnpike’s final $450 million payment will be made later this month, and future payments will drop to $50 million annually. However, the Turnpike has amassed significant debt in its efforts to meet its funding obligations for transit since 2009 and will be paying off this debt for decades. Click here to learn more about the toll increase and the reasons for it.  

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