UNFUNDED MANDATE ALERT! ACT NOW on Workers’ Compensation Legislation

UNFUNDED MANDATE ALERT! ACT NOW on Workers’ Compensation Legislation


The state House is poised to vote on HB 1632, which would expand workers compensation for first responders, including police, volunteer fire, and EMS, to cover post-traumatic stress injury. While we strongly support our first responder community, as written, this legislation would cause municipal insurance premiums to skyrocket and even lead insurers to completely leave the market as happened with the cancer presumption law. 

This legislation has no state funding mechanism and leaves the financial burden entirely on the municipality. Other states that have passed similar legislation have included certain guardrails that HB 1632 completely lacks.  

Please reach out to your state House member and encourage them to oppose HB 1632 as currently written and to continue to work with municipalities to find a real solution.  

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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