Violence Intervention & Prevention Grants Available 

Violence Intervention & Prevention Grants Available 

The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) is accepting applications for two new violence intervention and prevention programs.  

          1. Violence Intervention and Prevention Competitive Grants Program: Applications must be submitted by October 12 for grants that range from $25,000 to $2.5 million. Grants may be used to address community violence and prevention efforts, including fostering and promoting communication between the community and law enforcement, increasing access to behavioral health care, coordinating health services and intervention strategies, and providing mentoring and other intervention models to children and families.   

Initial funding requests must be submitted via Survey Monkey to determine eligibility. Materials are available on PCCD’s Gun Violence Grants and Funding website. Questions can be directed to PCCD staff at with “VIP Grants” in the subject line. Click here for the funding announcement

PCCD will host a webinar on October 4, 2022, 11 a.m.-noon on the funding announcement, the application process, and related issues directly to PCCD staff in a “Q&A” format.   

          2. CCVI Strategies Pilot Grants Program:   

Townships can now request funding until October 31 from the new program, which aims to increase local coordination and collaboration to more effectively prevent, intervene, and respond to gun and group violence. This initiative will support five to eight pilot projects that will pursue transformative strategies to prevent and respond to violence. Eligible applicants can request up to $3 million to implement key project activities, and there is a 25% local match required. 

Click here for the grant announcement. Materials will be posted on PCCD’s Gun Violence Grants and Funding website. E-mail questions to with “CCVI Strategies Grants” in the subject line.   

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