Want to See Your Township in the 2022 PSATS Calendar?

Want to See Your Township in the 2022 PSATS Calendar?

Township public works crews operate year-round, and we’d like to see your crew in action. Get creative and show us the many ways that your public works crew keeps your township running smoothly throughout the year. 

For example, you could send photos of your crew doing any of the following: 

• repairing or resurfacing roads; 

• cleaning out ditches; 

• mowing along roads or in parks; 

• plowing snow or spreading salt and antiskid; 

• sprucing up playgrounds, benches, pavilions, or other park amenities; 

• working on a stormwater/sewer project; 

• sweeping streets or collecting leaves; 

• processing yard waste at a composting facility; 

• repairing or replacing a bridge or culvert; 

• repairing or maintaining equipment; or 

• any of the many other tasks public works crews perform. 

For best appearance, photos must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi at a size of 4 inches x 6 inches. Photos taken with a smartphone are fine, but be sure to send them to us as “actual size” to ensure full resolution. Color photos are best. 

Email photos as jpeg attachments to kacri@psats.org by September 17, 2021. Provide your name, position, township, county, and daytime telephone number. Identify everyone in the photo left to right, their titles or roles, and a brief description of what they’re doing in the photo. 

PA State Association of Township Supervisors

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Mon - Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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