Wolf Administration Announces Grant Awards 

Wolf Administration Announces Grant Awards 

As the Wolf Administration draws to a close, grant and loan awards were announced for water infrastructure, Growing Greener Plus, and recreation and conservation. 

Growing Greener Plus: The state Department of Environmental Protection announced more than $19 million in grants were awarded throughout the commonwealth to protect waterways and watersheds, reclaim abandoned mine sites, and plug abandoned oil and gas wells. Warwick Township, Lancaster County; Manchester Township, York County; and West Sadsbury Township, Chester County, received awards. Click here to learn more. 

Recreation and Conservation Grants: The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources announced $19.4 million in awards to 68 communities to help underserved and small communities with recreation and conservation efforts. These grants were funded from multiple sources, with the largest being the American Rescue Plan Act, which allowed DCNR to reduce match requirements. Townships receiving awards include Hanover Township, Beaver County; Mann Township, Bedford County; Penn Township, Cumberland County; Antrim Township, Franklin County; Spring Brook Township, Lackawanna County; Wright Township, Luzerne County; Upper Hanover Township, Montgomery County; East Buffalo Township, Union County; North Franklin Township, Washington County; and Ligonier Township, Westmoreland County. Several other townships will see land preserved or protected in their communities from these grants. Click here for a detailed list of the awards. 

Water Infrastructure: $236 million in grant and loans awards were announced for 25 drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater projects through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority. Several townships will benefit from these projects. Click here for details. 

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